Summer is almost here and the Superhero movies are already rolling out. Perhaps you’ve gone to one already and been blown away by the physiques you see.
Curious to know how actors like Chris Hemsworth crafted his physique, you pull up some interviews on your phone. And while reading through, you hear them say that it took only 6 or 9 months to build their physique.
It’s at this point that the alarms and bells go off in your head and you might think to yourself, “What the heck? I’ve been training for the last 6 months too and I don’t look anything like that. What gives?”
It turns out, these actors and actresses have a secret weapon that makes their diet and training significantly more effective. It’s called purpose, and you can use it too to build your own superhero physique.
When filming the movie, The Wolverine, Hugh Jackman knew there was a specific date in which the hero shots…his shirtless scenes…would be filmed. And that those shots would then be distributed to all the media for use in interviews, magazine covers, online articles, movie posters, DVD covers, etc. And those hero shots are awe-inspiring and inspirational, to say the least.
Knowing that there is a specific date that you need to be in peak condition by creates a powerful sense of purpose. What’s the purpose? The purpose is defined as the reason for which you do or create something. It is an end-goal to be attained. A reason that is personally personal to you.
I think it’s safe to say that a lot of us get stuck going through the motions. We might have a workout plan to follow, but after that, it’s on to the next. It isn’t do-or-die.
For actors like Hugh Jackman and Chris Hemsworth, it is. The film’s success depends on them accurately portraying these characters. And for each actor, it’s been deeply personal to them to do justice to the characters that are loved by millions of fans all over the world.
Here’s the thing. When you have a purpose, everything you do takes on new meaning. You pour your heart and soul into your workouts. You dial in your diet. You track your macros to a T. And you don’t let yourself slip. No matter what.
Ask yourself this. What important dates are coming up for me that I REALLY want to be in great shape for?
If you’re in college, maybe that date is Spring Break. Or, maybe it’s the start of Fall semester and you want to come back from summer break and blow everyone away with the physical transformation you’ve made.
Maybe you’re going on a family vacation this summer to a lake resort. Your shirt will be off and you want to be shredded.
Perhaps your wedding is coming up, or your 10-year High School reunion and you want to look jacked.
Or maybe your 30th or 40th birthday is coming up and you want to get yourself into the best shape of your life. To be better than you were 10 years ago.
Whatever that date is, set it, but make sure it’s personally personal to you. With the date marked on your calendar, you can then chart a course to build your biggest, leanest, and best physique ever. Your very own superhero physique with proportions that wouldn’t be possible without having a powerful sense of purpose behind your efforts.